Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?
Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
Are you sure you want to delete account?
Deleting your account will remove your access to the event.
Boxes should not arrive prior to Thursday May 8, 2025
Please inform if you are planning to ship items and provide the tracking numbers
Exhibitor Tables are available to Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors.
Each Sponsor is to receive 1 6ft table ( 30 inch wide), 2 chairs and access to power and wifi.
Please note that these are NOT 10x10 Booths. See the attached for the exhibitor table layout. (assignments to be noted much closer to event date).
If you are a sponsor but do not wish to have a table please let us know.
All Platinum, gold and silver sponsors will be provided with a code to be used for gamification. More information to be provided closer to the conference date.
Move In: Sponsors and Exhibitors can move in as follows: Sunday May 11 – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM or Monday May 12 6:00AM – 8:00 AM
Move out: Sponsors and Exhibitors may move out on Tuesday after 4:30 PM or on Wednesday after 11:30 AM
Upon arrival at the conference please come to the badge pick up area at the convention centre entrance to pick up your name badge and ribbon