
Reid Lodge

Reid Lodge

Reid Lodge is a queer creator from Fredericton, New Brunswick who is always looking for a new crafting obsession. Reid’s Qross Stitch collection is full of colorful crocheted, cross stitched, 3D printed, and otherwise handcrafted curios sure to delight anyone with a penchant for the strange & nerdy.

Karen Mosier

Karen Mossier

Inspired by theories about portals to other worlds and Saskatchewan's natural wonders, such as the Mystery Rocks outside of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Karen began writing The Darach Tales series to highlight amazing places to visit in her province.

Eric Lamiot

Eric Lamiot

Eric Lamiot une formation en biochimie alimentaire, avec une expérience dans ce domaine tant académique qu’industrielle. Depuis 15 ans, il travaille en administration de la recherche. Depuis 3 ans, il est conseiller en partenariats et valorisation à L’Institut National de Recherche Scientifique à Québec, avec un mandat de courtier en innovation. Depuis tout jeune, il ramasse les roches qu’il trouve belles. A force d’en accumuler, il en a fait son projet de retraite (planifié pour 2031). Lors de la pandémie, a développé sa compagnie en ligne (MinEric). Il a aussi appris à transformer ces roches en magnifiques pendentifs.
Eric Lamiot trained in food biochemistry, with experience in this field, both academic and industrial. For 15 years, he has worked in research administration. For 3 years, he has been an advisor in partnerships and development at the National Institute of Scientific Research in Quebec-city, with a mandate as an innovation broker. Since he was very young, he has collected rocks that he finds beautiful. By accumulating more, he made it his retirement plan (planned for 2031). During the pandemic, he developed his company online (MinEric). He also learned how to transform these rocks into beautiful pendants.